Wednesday, July 11, 2012

OPI: Black Spotted Over Neons!

I'm obsessed with OPI Spotted! I'm still learning to work with it but here is a neon skittle mani that I did with it. I started off with a white base coat then used China Glaze Kiwi Cool-ada and Nubar Hot Fuchsia as an accent color. I then let it dry (no top coat) and did super thin passes with the Spotted. I honestly didn't think I had that much on the brush but it kept going and going and going. I have no idea how this polish works but I'm a whole lot of loving it. My favorite is my accent finger but you can get so many different variations, more so than with Shatter. What do you think?

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  1. I really like the way Black Spotted look over neons. Very cool!

  2. Not sure how I feel about this new trend??? First impression is that I don't like it, not that your mani doesn't look good! :)

  3. I felt the same way, then it grew on me quick lol

  4. super cool XD

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  5. Super kooky, I hadn't even seen this polish yet! It looks sort of like watercolor that just... watered out.

  6. I am so so jealous of you that you have Spotted! Gorg!

  7. Nice effect, but the first time I've seen a mani like this. Thanks for sharing it.

  8. Nice! You're a lucky duck to get your hands on some Spotted. Wish OPI sold it here.

  9. Lucky you to have Spotted! Do you find it chips badly? I read that yesterday on line. Made me wonder if maybe OPI was not happy with the formulation or quite ready to release it globally due to that issue. Seems if OPI does not jump to release it in more countries, another company is going to take the lead on this one. It seems to appeal to a wider group than the crackles and shatters do/did.

  10. I am so jealous. I want the spotted so badly. How on earth did you get your hands on it? I thought it was a french exclusive.

  11. I want this...really bad!!! Gorgeous mani!

  12. I love the effect of spotted. It reminds me of a lava lamp!


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